Program to pass array to function in C with example. To pass the entire array, base address pointer of the array is passed to a
C ++ programming interview questions on pointers, references and memory with answers and explanations. This list contains conceptual and tricky coding / output questions on
Method hiding in C# inheritance and when to use method hiding interview question is frequently asked interview question we should focus on. Method hiding in
Answer: Yes, C# class without constructor is possible. In fact, we can have a class without any constructor in C#. If we don’t declare any
Answer: The Static keyword in C# main () method is used, so that compiler can call it without or before creation of an object. Actually,
Answer:In C#, Static method is called using class name and instance method (non – static) must be called using a class object in a C#
Answer: Java static variable is a variable that is preceded by static keyword and is shared by all the objects of a class. Declaration of
Answer: Static method in Java programming is a method of a class that is preceded by static keyword. For example, static method is declared as
Answer: Constant member function in C++ of a class is the function that prevents modification of any member data of a class in C++ program.
The mutable keyword in C++ before any data member of a class allows constant functions to modify it. You know that inside a const member