Answer: Delegates in C# programming is a type safe function pointer that points to a function by having a reference to that function. To create
Answer includes real time use of delegates in c# application without event used in software projects. Question: Tell me the real time scenario where you
Answer includes advantages of comparator over comparable interfaces in java and the differences between them. As a side note, what’re advantages of comparator over comparable, and when would
Answer: Here is the differences and advantages of ListIterator over Iterator. 1-Iterator is available to all Collection classes whereas ListIterator is available to only List
Answer: For sorting employees we need to use either Comparable or comparator interface. Since, as per question, the Employee class is not allowed to implement
Answer: Yes, we can delete “this” pointer inside a member function only if the function call is made by the class object that has been
Answer of generics in C# interview questions should includes generics with example program in c# and its advantages. Answer: Generics in C# programming allow us
Answer: Yes, we can overload a generic methods in C# as we overload a normal method in a class.Example: Sub Question:Q- In below example which
Answer: As we know that as a general rule, we should write generic method in C# if the method operation is same for all data
Difference between Arraylist and Vector in java in Java Collections. I’ll be listing 4 important differences between java arraylist and vector data structures. Java ArrayList