Program examples of macro function in C language. Also, includes program example of multi-line macro function. Macro functions example: This C program demonstrate use of
Program to reverse sentence without reversing words in C++ with simple algorithms using stack. This algorithm also handles spaces and special characters in the sentence
malloc function in c programming examples interview question based on scenarios – Write programs for following scenarios: Q-1: Allocate memory dynamically using malloc() function for
Answer includes malloc calloc realloc free in c with example Answer: Dynamic memory allocation in C language programming is the process of memory allocation from
Extract words from string C++ – This program example will extract every words including special characters from the string that contains spaces or multiple spaces
C++ program to count each word in a string. STL std::map will be used to filter and count word occurrences in C++ program in the
letter frequency counter C program – Bucketing mechanism will be used to count frequency of each letters or any characters in a string. also, it
Answer: C++ Empty constructor necessity depends upon class design requirements. We know that C++ class constructor is called when we create an object of a
Answer: Constructor in C++ programming of a class is like a member function of a class that have same name as the class name. For
Constructor overloading in C++ programming is same as function overloading. When we create more that one constructors in a class with different number of parameters