MCQ – This section contains multiple choice questions on SQL Commands with answers and explanation. Many of the objective questions are asked in software jobs
Answer: SQL data types define that what type of data; a column can have in a table in SQL Database. Each column in a table
Answer includes the concept for interface implementation in C# with example and code example of multiple interface implementation. Answer: C# Interface inheritance or implementation is
BST – Binary Search Tree inorder traversal program in C. This program will first prepare a binary search tree by create a tree node and
Comparable and comparator in java with examples and explanation for when to use comparator interface and comparable interfaces in java programs. After reading the answer,
Answer includes concept and difference between union and union all sql clause with example. Also, difference between union and join as a note has been
Answer to interview questions, what is use of private constructor in c# language includes definition of it and when or why to use private constructors
DDL and DML commands in SQL with examples should include definitions and difference between DDL Commands and DML commands in sql and important points. Also,
String to int C conversion program – This program convert string to int value using atio(str) function. Also, it a custom function is included to
C program to read a text file character by character and display content on the console screen. This program will read special characters also and