C++ inheritance mcq with answers and explanation. 50% of the objective questions are asked in interviews and rest are to cover C++ inheritance concepts. Q)base
Q) In C++ code , variables can be passed to a function by Answer: 4In C++ programming, all pass by value, reference and pointer are
Java priority queue with example and implementation will be answered. With real time application example program, the priority queue in java will be described. Answer:
Program example to print 1 to 10 using for loop in C. Create and initialize a num variable by 1 and set the target variable
Answer includes about what is synchronization in java multithreading and when do we use it or why it is important. Synchronized meaning, concept and program
MCQ on JVM and Java Memory Management – Multiple choice questions in Java memory management with answers and explanation. 60% of the objective questions are
MCQ- Java multithreading multiple choice questions with answers and explanation. 50% of the MCQ on multithreading in java are asked in interviews. But, additional objective questions
MCQ – Multiple choice questions on stored procedure sql and function with answers and explanation. Objective questions are asked in Software jobs written interviews. Q)
MCQ – Multiple choice questions on SQL join and SQL view with answers and explanation. These SQL join and view mcq are asked in Software
MCQ – Multiple choice questions on SQL Database with answers and explanation. Many of the objective questions are asked in IT jobs written interviews. Q)Combination