C++ string to int conversion with program example and multiple test cases to handle error checking string inputs with examples. Conversion example includes program with
Answer includes multiple solutions to stop or prevent class inheritance in C++ with condition that object creation of the class should be allowed with C++
Program to find length of string in C language using the library function strlen() . Also, includes example of length of string in C programming
Q) Compile time polymorphism in C++ language are Answer: 5 Q) C++ abstract class can contain Answer: 4 Q) False statements about function overloading is
C program to add two numbers. There are three program examples – 1) Simple, 2) by user input, and 3) using a function. Simple C
C program to find sum of n numbers using function – To get the sum, the program contains a user defined sum function that receives
Q) Correct way of creating an object of a class called Car is Car obj; Car *obj = new Car(); Only B A & B
C program to find sum of array elements. To find the sum, the program will use a for loop to retrieve each elements and sum
Program example to print array in C. Two simple examples will be demonstrated for printing array element in C programs i.e. in forward and reverse
Q) The OOPs concept in C++, exposing only necessary information to users or clients is known as Answer: 1 Q) Which of the following is