Answer of what is difference between constructor and method in JAVA programming includes differences with code example. Interview question: Explain difference between constructor and method
SQL DEFAULT Constraint SQL DEFAUULT CONSTRAINT example – Learn how to store default value if no value inserted for columns in the table in MySQL
SQL PRIMARY KEY CONSTRAINT example – Learn how to accept unique values and deny null values for columns in MySQL database with example and important
Q) Which inheritance in java programming is not supported Multiple inheritance using classes Multiple inheritance using interfaces Multilevel inheritance Single inheritance Answer: 1 NOTE: Java
SQL UNIQUE CONSTRAINT example – Learn how to accept of unique values for columns in MySQL database with example and important points. Unique constraint creates
SQL NOT NULL CONSTRAINT example – Learn how to deny accepting of NULL values for columns in MySQL database with example and important points. All
SQL Truncate a table example – Learn how to delete data from table in MySQL database with example and important points. TRUNCAT TABLE statement is
SQL Rename a table example – Learn how to rename existing table name in MySQL database with example and important points. SQL RENAME TABLE is
Q) What is output of C# code? Output:Base class constructorChild class constructorExplanation: In inheritance C# oops relationship, when we create object of a derived or
Q) What is output of the following program? Output: Answer: BWe cannot create an instance of the abstract class in c# programming. Q)What is issue