Abstraction in Java is just a concept, and abstraction meaning is “Provide necessary information’s only to clients/users and hide unnecessary details. As an abstraction example,
C++ int to binary string conversion program simple example with code documentation. This is custom function implementation example to convert int to binary string in
Answer includes concept of encapsulation in java oops with various java encapsulation examples with programs. Answer: Encapsulation in Java is one of the oops principles
Answer includes, what is polymorphism in java and how polymorphism achieved in java oops and a format how to answer this question in a technical
Technical interview question is that if an Interface and an abstract class in java both contains only abstract methods then what would you choose or
Answer: final method in java programs is used to stop being overridden in derived class. However, final method can be inherited in derived class. Note that
Answer: No, an abstract class method cannot be final and abstract both in java e.g. Reason is that, by making a method final in abstract
Answer includes thread pool in java with concept and one simple scenario example and program, where thread pool can be used. Answer: Thread pool is
Final class in java programs is used to stop inheritance / extension. If we don’t want a class to be inherited or not to be
Constructor overloading in Java is similar to method overloading. When we create more than one constructors in a class with different number of parameters and