Learn final method in java with example and explanation.
In a class, we make a method final so that no child class can override and implement it.
NOTE: If a class is having final method, it does not mean that the class is also a final class. Purpose of final method is only that it cannot be overridden in child class.
Prerequisite: method overriding in java and java inheritance concept .
You can make many methods final in a class, whom you want that no sub classes should override and implement them.
Final Methods can’t be overridden
Example of final method in java
Below, class X has a final method m1(). If we try to override and implement in a sub class Y in below java code, then compiler will flash an error.
class X {
// final method
final public void m1() {
public void m2() {
// Sub class /derived class
class Y extends X {
// We cannot override base class X method m1() but m2()
public void m2() {