Answer includes the difference between start and runDescribing the interview question, difference between run and start method in Java multithreading with example. But, also note
Category: Java Multithreading Interview Questions
Collection of Java Multithreading interview questions and answers with example and notes asked in IT Industries.
Answer: If we don’t override run() method, compiler will not flash any error and it will execute run() method of Thread class that has empty
What happens if we start a thread twice is a basic multithreading concepts in java. In fact, we cannot start a thread twice on the
Java BlockingQueue interface is used to implement producer consumer design pattern. This design pattern comes to solve common problem, in which producer and consumer threads
Answer: When a thread calls yield() method in Java, this means, the thread wants to relinquish the control over processor and give it to other
Answer: When a piece of code is accessed by more than one threads at the same time, we need synchronization. Reason is that we may
There are two ways we can create a thread in multithreading in java programs that is by extending thread class and implementing Runnable interface.Here are
Callable Vs Runnable interface in Java Multithreading. A Callable can return a result but a Runnable interface cannot. A Callable can throw checked exception but
Answer: Yes, we can override start() method of thread in Java, the same way we override any other methods. for example, In below, custom thread
The minimum thread priority in java is 1 and maximum or highest thread priority is 10. We will see a program example to set and