Methods of Object class in java with brief descriptions – The java.lang.Object class is the super class of all classes whether the class is predefined or user
Category: Core Java Interview Questions
List of Interview Questions on Java for freshers and experienced candidates asked in technical job interviews in IT Industries. This list includes interview questions asked to freshers, 2,3 and 5 years etc. experience professionals | Only Real.
This section contains technical java interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced on java Polymorphims, Java OOPs concept Inheritance, Interface, abstract class, abstraction and encapsulation, classes and objects etc. with impressive answers and explanation. In fact, interview question on many topics I have provided that you should read or brush up that help crack java technical java interviews quickly.
Answer includes, null pointer exception in java with example when it can occur in programs and how we can prevent it. Java interview Question: What
JDBC driver is used to connect database in java programs. We need to install compatible jdbc drivers for different types of databases i.e. MySQL, Oracle
Abstraction in Java is just a concept, and abstraction meaning is “Provide necessary information’s only to clients/users and hide unnecessary details. As an abstraction example,
Answer includes concept of encapsulation in java oops with various java encapsulation examples with programs. Answer: Encapsulation in Java is one of the oops principles
Answer: No, we don’t have static constructor in java. Actually, java static constructor concept is not there. When we make a class constructor static, compiler
Technical interview question is that if an Interface and an abstract class in java both contains only abstract methods then what would you choose or
Answer: final method in java programs is used to stop being overridden in derived class. However, final method can be inherited in derived class. Note that
Answer: No, an abstract class method cannot be final and abstract both in java e.g. Reason is that, by making a method final in abstract
Final class in java programs is used to stop inheritance / extension. If we don’t want a class to be inherited or not to be