Snail climbing out of a well – Mathematical interview puzzle – A snail is at the bottom of a 30 foot well. Every hour the
Category: Mathematical Puzzles
Best collection of puzzles for interview asked to for freshers and experienced. Tricky, logical and analytical interview puzzles are explained nicely with answers and diagrams if any.
Interview PUZZLE: How many degrees are in the angle between the hour and minute hands of a clock when the time is quarter past 5
PUZZLE: You have three jugs. They can hold 12 liters, 8 liters, and 5 liters of milk or say water respectively. 12-liter jug is full
Interview Puzzle: There are four persons A, B, C and D who wants to cross a weak bridge in the night. They have one torch
Interview puzzle: If you have 20 people in a party and each shakes everyone else’s hand only once, how many handshakes take place? Use the
Burning ropes Puzzle: You have two ropes and a lighter. Each rope takes exactly 60 minutes to burn completely. Given ropes burn inconsistently (for example,
Pair of Socks puzzle: You have 100 black socks and 100 white socks mixed up in a drawer. You must pick socks blindly from the
PUZZLE: You have a 3 litre jag and a 5 litre water jug. Jug does not have any marking. You have plenty of water or