Answer: To create thread in c# multitheading, we need to use the namespace System.Threading .This name space is used to link the thread assembly file
Category: C# Multi-threading Interview Questions
C# multithreading interview questions with answer. Multithreading C# interview questions are taken from real interviews held in IT companies. You must read to boost chance of hiring. Generally, threading interview questions sounds difficult, but, reading these questions and answers you can come into comfortable zone and will be definitely able to answer properly.
For this C# thread synchronization interview question, we should be answering need of thread synchronization in C# with program example using with and without synchronization.
C# multithreading Interview Question: Using two threads print even and odd number in sequence. One thread prints even numbers and another thread prints odd numbers.
Every C# thread has a priority. Thread priorities in C# are available in ThreadPriority class from namespace System.Threading; Below C# thread priority can be assigned
Answer includes C# monitor class with program example in threaded program and its pulse wait method. Monitor class in C# multi-threaded program is used to
Answer: C# thread join() method is used to join multiple threads or in simple way, to make a thread wait for its all child threads
Answer: Lock Vs Monitor in C# multithreading: Difference between monitor and lock in C# is that lock internally wraps the Enter and Exit methods in
Pass parameter to thread in C# interview question – If we want to pass parameter to thread, How would you do that? We need to
Answer: Yes, in a single process we execute multiple threads in C# multithreading program. For example in below program, main () is a process that
Interview question: How many total threads are there in below C# multithreading program? Answer: Total 3 threads are there in the above C# program. We