Below are default functions provided by compiler in C++ language if not implemented in a class by a software developer. Default constructor Copy constructor Assignment
Category: C++ Basic Interview Questions
C++ Basic interview questions and answers with example asked in IT Industries. List of C++ interview questions or for freshers and experienced both | Only Real.
Answer: When we declare/write a class, there is no memory allocation happens for data members of a class, so, we cannot store data into data
Answer includes a simple program to overload new and delete operator in C++ class with important points about overloaded new and delete. Below is the
Answer: No, in C++, a copy constructor doesn’t support pass by value but pass by reference only. It cannot accept object parameter by value and
Answer: Order of constructor call for composed objects in a class would be as below. Consider an example of Mobile class, composed of Battery and
Order of execution of constructors and destructors in C++ is frequently asked interview question. For this question, we have to answer c++ constructor call order and
Answer: Here is the some of the scenarios where we must use initialization list in C++. Scenario-1: initialization of constant & reference data member of
Answer: Initializer list or initialization list in constructor in C++ programming is used to initialize data members of a class. Constructor of a class can
Before listing the difference between pointer and reference in C++ , lets see the definition of pointer and reference. Pointer: A pointer is a simply
C++ program to swap two numbers using pointers and references and functions. Swapping two number using pointers concept is applicable to both C and C++.