The mutable keyword in C++ before any data member of a class allows constant functions to modify it. You know that inside a const member
Category: C++ Basic Interview Questions
C++ Basic interview questions and answers with example asked in IT Industries. List of C++ interview questions or for freshers and experienced both | Only Real.
Answer includes properties / characteristics of destructor in C++ language for a class. Answer: Before listing characteristics of destructor, let’s see the declaration of destructor
Answer: Yes, we can have default arguments in constructor in C++. Below class “MLogger “ example contains default argument in constructor i.e. MLogger(bool isON =
Answer includes what is pure virtual function in C++ with simple code example and uses of it in creating interfaces and abstract class in C++
Abstract class in C++ programming is a class that contains at least one pure virtual function and act as a base class. An abstract class may also
Answer: Function overloading in C++ is the feature of having multiple functions in a class with same name with different return types and signatures. For
Answer: In C++ function overloading is a compile time polymorphism as it get resolved on compile time itself. There are two types of polymorphism available
Answer: RTTI – Run Time Type Information in C++ is a mechanism that allows the type of an object to be determined at run time.
Interview Question C Vs C++ – What is difference between C and C++ language? For this question, we need answer 3 major differences with explanations.
Answers: Access specifier in C++ is to control the access of data and member functions of a class. We may want some data members or