Yes, there is no C++ interface keyword available. To create interface in C++ program, we use pure virtual functions into a class. Generally, we prefix
Category: C++ Advanced Interview Questions
List of C++ Advanced interview questions and killer answers with example for experienced candidates asked in IT Industries.|Only Real
Answer: No, we cannot overload a destructor of a class in C++ programming. Only one empty destructor per class should be there. It must have
Answer includes how to prevent object copy in C++ of a class with a simple example using copy constructor and assignment operator with C++ program
C++ Technical Interview Question on polymorphism in oops Interviewer Intent: NOTE: As per question criteria, we will write code using interface, but, to describe the
Answer includes how to delete array of objects in C++ created dynamically with C++ code example with proof. In other words, delete array of pointers
Answer includes multiple solutions to stop or prevent class inheritance in C++ with condition that object creation of the class should be allowed with C++
Answer includes uses and advantage of the this pointer in C++ programming with multiple scenarios where the this pointer is used. Sceranio-1: Internal use of
We cannot use THIS pointer in static function of a class in C++ program. Reason: Whenever we call a class non-static member function using class
Interview Question: A class is having private data members and that is by design and expected. Question is, if we write C++ public access specifier
Answer: Use of public private and protected access specifiers in C++ is to control the access/visibility of member data and functions out of a class. It