Program examples of macro function in C language. Also, includes program example of multi-line macro function. Macro functions example: This C program demonstrate use of
Category: C Programming Examples
C programming examples with explanation and concept on various topics that is pointers, dynamic allocation, loops, structures, conditional operators if else, switches and more advanced examples and exercises. Also, algorithms and data structures programs examples in C on various topics i.e. sorting, searching, graph algorithms and other data structures topics like array, link list, stack, queue and algorithms puzzle etc. are included.
Example of C program for area of circle using radius or diameter of a circle. Program will use area of circle formula i.e. PI*r*r, where
Example to calculate size of data types in C programming using sizeof() operator. The C program example demonstrates size of multiple data types e.g. size
Hello world program in C with example. Every line of code is explained and have code comments. This is a simple program that display Hello
Program to create an array from user input in C using dynamic memory allocation with malloc function.This program will create an integer array by allocating
Structure is a user-defined datatype in C programming which allows to store different data types e.g. int, float, char, array and pointer etc. together. Consider
C Dynamic memory allocation – Learn what is dynamic allocation and how to create memory dynamically in C programs using C library functions malloc, calloc,
Program to pass array to function in C with example. To pass the entire array, base address pointer of the array is passed to a
Example to create and use DLL – Dynamic Link Library in C on windows with simple steps with C source code. Both implicit and explicit
Conversion of char to int C program – Convert a character digit to the corresponding integer in C program. For example, if the character is