C program to print vowels in a string and their location. We need to find all vowels (lower case and upper case) in a given
Category: C Programming Examples
C programming examples with explanation and concept on various topics that is pointers, dynamic allocation, loops, structures, conditional operators if else, switches and more advanced examples and exercises. Also, algorithms and data structures programs examples in C on various topics i.e. sorting, searching, graph algorithms and other data structures topics like array, link list, stack, queue and algorithms puzzle etc. are included.
C program to find sum of n numbers using function – To get the sum, the program contains a user defined sum function that receives
C program to add two numbers. There are three program examples – 1) Simple, 2) by user input, and 3) using a function. Simple C
Program to find length of string in C language using the library function strlen() . Also, includes example of length of string in C programming
C program to find smallest number in an array with easy logic and simple example and test case. Example: Input Array: 2 6 4 8
C program to find largest number in an array with simple logic and example and test cases. Example: Input Array: 2 6 4 8 9
Factorial program in C with logic and examples using loops ( for, while and do while), functions and Recursion techniques. For example, factorial of a
C program for leap year – Example with logic, description and C syntax expression to find a leap year. Simple logic to find Leap year?
Program to calculate sum of digits in C of a number using loop, explained logic and test cases. Example, Input number: 123 Output = 1+2+3
C program to find sum of array elements. To find the sum, the program will use a for loop to retrieve each elements and sum