Answer includes malloc calloc realloc free in c with example Answer: Dynamic memory allocation in C language programming is the process of memory allocation from
Category: C Interview Questions
List of C interview questions and answers with example for freshers and experienced both, asked in C technical job interviews in software IT Industries |Only Real.
malloc function in c programming examples interview question based on scenarios – Write programs for following scenarios: Q-1: Allocate memory dynamically using malloc() function for
Complete notes on function pointer in C or say pointer to function in C programming – Example of declaration, typedef, real time uses as callback
Notes on NULL pointer, void pointer and dangling pointer in C and C++ with examples, uses and answer to questions e.g. why to use null
We can print hello world without using semi colon using if condition in C program as below. Elaborating, Intent of the question is that we
What is the purpose of “return 0” in main () function in C and why not to prefer using void like “void main()”? Here’s the