Answer: Difference between #if and #ifdef Preprocessor Directives is as below in C, C++. lets understand the both #if and #ifdef by example and use.
Category: C Interview Questions
List of C interview questions and answers with example for freshers and experienced both, asked in C technical job interviews in software IT Industries |Only Real.
Answer: Static variable in C programming is the variable which value persists between different function calls throughout the life cycle of the program. For example,
Answer includes the use of static function in C programming with explanation and C code example. You can read static function definition with example in
Answer: Static function in C language with example. In C language programming, static function is a function whose scope (visibility) is limited to the current
Size of void pointer on 16 bit Platform is : 2 bytes , on 32 bit : 4 bytes and on 64 bit : 8
Command line arguments in C, C++ programs supply values from outside of a program. The same concept of command line argument is applied to all
memcpy() function: memcpy function copies specified number of bytes from source buffer to destination buffer. Actually, programmer supply the size of data to be copied.
Answer: Detailed explanation of pass by value and pass by reference in C programming with example. Parameters to a function can be passed in two
Answer: The include guards in header file in C, C++ is used to avoid compiler error i.e. redefinition of function, variable or class. The #include
Answer: Difference between do while and while loop in C programming: do…while loop guaranteed to execute at least one time whereas while loop does not.