Assignment operators in C#- Learn about assignment operator in C# with example and easy explanation. Also, learn assignment operator combined with arithmetic operators in C# like +=, *= etc. with example.

= Assignment operator in C#

Assignment operator in C# program is used to assign a value to a variable.

For example,
int a = 10;
Also, value of one variable can be assigned to another variable. For example, if two variables are a and b, value of b can be assigned to a as

a = b; // right hand side value will be assigned to left hand variable.

Note that right hand side variable must be initialized, means, it must have some value.

public class Sample

        public static void Main(String[] args)
		int a = 10;
		int b ;
		// assign value of right variable to left	
		b = a;	
		Console.WriteLine("b =" + b);
        Console.WriteLine("a =" + a);

NOTE: Assignment (=) operator can be combined with other operators in C# language.

Examples below.

+= , -=, *=, /=

if variable is int a =10;
then n += 5; will result into 15.

+= C# Example

n += 5; is same as n = n+5.

C# Code Example

public class Sample

        public static void Main(String[] args)
		int n = 10;
		n += 5; // same as n = n+5;
        Console.WriteLine("n =" + n);	


n =15

Similarly, others -=, *= and /= works

-= C# Example

note that n -= 5; is same as n=n-5;

public class Sample

        public static void Main(String[] args) 
		int n = 10;
		n -= 5; // same as n = n-5;		

        Console.WriteLine ("n =" + n);	

n =5

*= C# example:

n *= 5; is same as n=n*5;

C# Code example

public class Sample

        public static void Main(String[] args) 
		int n = 10;
		n *= 5; // same as n = n*5;		

        Console.WriteLine("n =" + n);	

n =50

/= C# Examples

n /= 5; is same as n=n/5;

C# Code example

public class Sample

        public static void Main(String[] args) 
		int n = 10;
		n /= 5; // same as n = n/5;		

        Console.WriteLine("n =" + n);	

n =2

%= C# Examples

n %= 5; is same as n=n%5;

C# Code example

public class Sample

        public static void Main(String[] args) {
		int n = 10;
		n %= 5; // same as n = n%5;		

        Console.WriteLine("n =" + n);	

n =0

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