What is static variable in C Programming?

Answer: Static variable in C programming is the variable which value persists between different function calls throughout the life cycle of the program.

For example, in the below function staticVarCount (), the s is a static variable, and when we make a call again and again, its value will be increased e.g.1,2,3…and so on. Value of s will persist, even though its scope is within the function itself.

Static variable code example in C

	static int s = 0;
	printf("Static Variable:%d\n",s);

Non static variable

Below is the same function implementation with non static variable s. when we make multiple calls, its value will be always 1 as variable s will die as soon as control goes out of the function.

	int i = 0;
	printf("Non Static Varable:%d\n",i);

Complete code of Static Variable and Non Static variable in C


//Function with static variable
	static int s = 0;
	printf("Static Variable:%d\n",s);

//same function with non static variable
	int s = 0;
	printf("Non Static Varable:%d\n",s);

int main(){


	return 0;


Static Variable:1
Static Variable:2
Non Static Varable:1
Non Static Varable:1


  • Static variables in c and  c++ automatically get initialize by zero, if we don’t initialize it by zero or some number.
  • There can be a Global and local Static variable in c. Local static variable will be always taken on priority within the scope. Do read example below.

Global and Local Static variable C Code Example


static int s = 5;//Global Static varialbe

int main(){
	static int s = 10;//Local Static varialbe with same name

	printf("Value of s:%d\n",s);

	return 0;

Value of s:10

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