Why you do not initialize data members when you write a class?

Answer: When we declare/write a class, there is no memory allocation happens for data members of a class, so, we cannot store data into data members.

The memory gets allocated for data members only when we create objects of a class. So, initialization of the variable happens once object of the class get created.


In the below example, initialization of data member int a=2; cannot be done at the time of declaration.

class A{
	// int a=2; // compiler error,member variable can’t be initialized here
	 int b; //ok
	 A(int _b){
		 this->b =_b;
		 cout<<"Object b initialized with value :"<b;

int main()
	A obj(5);// initialize the object

	return 0;

NOTE: It's tested in Visual studio 8, where we get error.
Error	1	error C2864: 'A::a' : only static const integral data members can be initialized within a class.

Latest compilers like Visual studio 2015, don't flash error and the program works fine. 

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