BST – Binary Search Tree inorder traversal program in C. This program will first prepare a binary search tree by create a tree node and insert function and then perform inorder traversal using recursion technique.
Time complexity = O(n).
Note that BST property is that Left subtree Value will be less that Root value and Root value will be less than the right subtree values.
BST Property :
Left Value < Root Value < Right Value
Inorder Traversal Rule:
Left, Root, Right
—–Snips of the inorder traversal function in C using recursion —-
In order traversal function.
void inorder(node *root) {
if (root != NULL) {
//visit all left childs
//visit the root
printf("%d ", root->data);
//visti all right childs
NOTE: In order traversal of BST (Binary Search Tree) produces sorted elements in ascending order.
BST program in C – Inorder traversal
/*Create a node for tree*/
typedef struct BST {
int data;
struct BST *leftChild, *rightChild;
} node;
In order traversal function.
void inorder(node *root) {
if (root != NULL) {
//visit all left childs
//visit the root
printf("%d ", root->data);
//visti all right childs
/*Create a new node*/
node *newNode(int data) {
node *temp;
//Create a memory chunk of size node structure
temp = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
if(temp == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "Memory failure \n");
//fill data in the node
temp->data = data;
//Since it is a new node, left and right child
temp->leftChild = NULL;
temp->rightChild = NULL;
//Return the pointer of the node
return temp;
/*Insert the node into the tree*/
node* insert(node *root, int data)
if(root == NULL)
//Create first root node
root = newNode(data);
if (data < root->data){
root->leftChild = insert(root->leftChild, data);
root->rightChild = insert(root->rightChild, data);
return root;
int main(){
struct node *bst = NULL;
//Prepare a BST
bst = insert(bst, 70);
insert(bst, 10);
insert(bst, 90);
insert(bst, 40);
insert(bst, 30);
insert(bst, 60);
//Do the in order traversal of BST
//In order traversal will print sorted
//data in ascending order
return 0;
10 30 40 60 70 90